Здесь представлен юридический документ на английском языке, который был спущен сверху (из Головного офиса иностранного представительства). Бухгалтерия должна строится на основе данных требований. Подготовку ежемесячно отчетных данных головному офису регламентирует следующий документ для бухгалтерии юридического лица в Москве. Далее идет подраздел о планировании платежей.
Introduction and purpose: Cash Planning and Support, Planning of Inflow and Outflow for Future Period. Providing with Reliable and True Data for the Loan arrangement and Tax payments and tax attorney.
Authorized employees and managers of the company should plan future Inflow and Outflow based on signed contracts with Customers, negotiated contracts, using the data about the regularly expenses, forecast and estimations about the future transactions and business activities.
Not later than 3 (Third) date of the current month each authorized employee should submit the numbers about the estimate Inflow/estimate Outflow of the current month and 2 next months with the Vendor breakdown or the items of expenses breakdown if several Vendors provide services or goods of the same item.
The cash budget submit in the Excel template (should be send simultaneously with the current procedure) by each authorized employee and sends to the chief executive in digital format.
One can’t delete the rows and change the formats of the template. Each authorized employee who fills the numbers could add a new Vendor.
We could pay with delays those disbursements in amount more than 50000 RUR which are submit by authorized employees but not claimed in the cash budget because of the lack of the cash for unbudgeted disbursements.